How to store food in the refrigerator and organize the refrigerator
Foods that are stored properly in the refrigerator will last longer, keep their freshness, and don’t hinder the circulation of temperature in the refrigerator. This of course also depends on the arrangement of the contents of the refrigerator, cleanliness, and overall maintenance of your refrigerator. No matter how big or small the capacity of your refrigerator is, its contents need to be arranged in such a way that it saves space and the refrigerator works optimally.
Tips for storing food in the refrigerator
Before storing food in the refrigerator, you need to make sure the refrigerator itself is worthy of being a place to store food. This includes setting the refrigerator temperature and cleaning the inside of the refrigerator. Wipe the shelves, walls, and drawers in the refrigerator with a clean cloth and an antibacterial cleaning solution. You can also wash the removable parts of the refrigerator with the liquid dish soap.
There are several places to store food in the refrigerator, each intended for a different type of food. Check out the categories below and learn how and where each type of food item with Kitchen storage ideas should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eggs : egg racks that have been molded in such a way are usually located at the top of the refrigerator door. This shape and location is intended to prevent collisions between eggs and prevent other objects from falling on the eggs. If possible, rinse the eggs thoroughly with water before storing to remove any debris from the cage.
Liquid milk : keep milk as cold as possible. The bottom shelf and the rear position are the right places in the refrigerator to store liquid milk. Liquid milk easily absorbs odors around it, so always store it in a tightly closed container if you don’t want the taste to change.
Dairy products : solid cheese and butter don’t need to be supercooled to keep good, so they can both be stored at the top of the refrigerator door.
Raw meat : the bottom shelf is the best place to store raw meat and fish because they are very cold. This location also prevents the risk of cross-contamination from dripping meat juices on other foods. If raw meat or fish is going to be cooked much later, store them tightly wrapped in the freezer.
Vegetables : These foods need high humidity to stay fresh, so store them in the vegetable drawer. Leave each vegetable in its plastic bag.
Fruits : different from vegetables, fruits require low humidity. Place the fruit on the open middle shelf. Certain fruits, including bananas, do better at room temperature and don’t last as long in the refrigerator.
Packaged juices : check the packaging to see if it is pasteurized. If not, store it on the bottom shelf with liquid milk.
Ready-to-use sauces and seasonings : most ready-to-use sauces and seasonings contain preservatives so they don’t need to be too low to keep them good. Some products even need to be stored outside the refrigerator so they don’t harden.
Cooking : any excess food needs to be stored in a closed container before placing it in the refrigerator.
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